Monday, January 16, 2006

Legos galore... and where did Scotty get all that Warp Drive info?

The Bible (or at least some of it) in Legos - - A bit off color, but straight from the book... and unedited.

Lego Computer Case - Very cool build (pun intended)! The only problem is how many kits you would have to buy to build the thing!

A history of Warp Drives - Everything you need to know about our future in space... and WWIII, and meeting Vulcans.... Or at least a quick reminder where the idea for the Warp Drive mentioned a couple of days ago came from!

Subservient Donald - Donald Trump (yeah, sure) will do what you ask of him.

Random Garfield Comic Strip Generator - Create your own Garfield comic three panels at a time.

For those Gamers our there -- Fuzzy 20 sided dice - -- Fur covered Icosahedrons for the uninitiated.

How to read a medicine label. -- If you have kids or wonder what all that info on the back of Over-the-counter meds is all about, this is a great place to start!



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