Tuesday, November 22, 2005

M&Ms, Snow, Alien Abduction... No its not a new show on Fox

Customized M&M. Don't complain about the price. I'm just the messenger.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Snow crystals! -- A little flakey if you ask me. (Sorry just had to blog that!)

Excuse me Mr. Alien Abductor, but I don't feel like going with you today... "How to Refuse Alien Abduction"... Ummm, yeah.....

King Kong TV spots! -- Now we're talkin'! If you can't tell, I am so pumped up about this movie!

Numbers blog entry #1
Numbers make the most interesting patterns

Numbers blog entry #2
TanGrams Game -- Now the person I got this from (What I clicked over at MSNBC) said that this was hard but I found it to be just like the game we played in Junior High.

Tape defeats Sony's Copy Protection - Sounds a lot like the time you could get past their copy protection with a Black Sharpie marker.

Interesting Magic Tricks from Japan -- I find that fact that get speaks both English and (mostly) Japanese during the same sentences as interesting as the magic...

In the tradition of Black Friday Ad posts I present -- Buy Nothing Day! - Just because I don't want to offend the "NON-Shoppers" in the crowd.


Update!!! Another Black Friday list from CheapStingyBargins.com