Darth Vader Explains, Picard tries to retreat and Fractals!
Ghost Rider Trailer is up! - How good can this really be???? On the plus side it has Nick Cage. On the not-so-plus side, it seems like one of the "minor" characters in the Marvel Universe. {Disclaimer - I never claimed to be a Marvel Comics expert. I'm more of a DC guy myself. Don't hold it against me.}
How Darth Vader explained the destruction of the Death Star to Palpatine. - One of the funnies things I have seen in a long time! If Adult Swim is this good, I may have to stay up and watch more often... or set the Tivo to pick it up!
Blatte's Fractals - Great set of backgrounds available here. The dual screen ones are really cool if you can use them.
Picard vs. Kirk - Finally we know what would have happened if these two Captains met in battle.
Cool paper sculptures - I like the whole paper folding to make a model idea and have linked to many, but what this guy is doing is really cool. Student's beware... if your math teacher gets a hold of this link, you're going to be expected to do better work!
SciFi now presents online videos! - NBC has taken its network entities and created an interesting way to view episodes you may have missed.
Technorati Tags: Vader, Palpatine, Picard, Kirk, Fractals
How Darth Vader explained the destruction of the Death Star to Palpatine. - One of the funnies things I have seen in a long time! If Adult Swim is this good, I may have to stay up and watch more often... or set the Tivo to pick it up!
Blatte's Fractals - Great set of backgrounds available here. The dual screen ones are really cool if you can use them.
Picard vs. Kirk - Finally we know what would have happened if these two Captains met in battle.
Cool paper sculptures - I like the whole paper folding to make a model idea and have linked to many, but what this guy is doing is really cool. Student's beware... if your math teacher gets a hold of this link, you're going to be expected to do better work!
SciFi now presents online videos! - NBC has taken its network entities and created an interesting way to view episodes you may have missed.
Technorati Tags: Vader, Palpatine, Picard, Kirk, Fractals
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